STUDENT'S POWER - NATION'S POWER / छात्रशक्ति - राष्‍ट्रशक्ति

Friday, September 2, 2011

Social Networking sites as a tool of election campaign.

ABVP has started massive campaign to reach out to students in DUSU polls. ABVP candidates are visiting different colleges personally to the meet students in order to receive their problems on important issues. On the other hand ABVP has launched its campaign through social networking sites also.

Considering the guidelines of Lyngdoh Committee and the lack of time ABVP is aggressively using the latest medium of campaigning like social networking sites such as facebook, blogs, E-mail and mobile messages. ABVP has created its blog with the name of ‘CHATTRA UDGHOSH’ on the link All the information and pictures regarding elections are available on this blog.

Including this ABVP has created a separate page on the most popular networking site facebook with the name abvpdusu, which is a major hit among students. ABVP is also receiving lots of suggestions on important issues through this page. Apart from this ABVP sympathizers are also campaigning for ABVP panel through their blogs and facebook.

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