STUDENT'S POWER - NATION'S POWER / छात्रशक्ति - राष्‍ट्रशक्ति

Friday, September 2, 2011

Profile of ABVP’s Candidates for DUSU

NEHA SINGH : PRESIDENT (Ballot no. 13)
Neha Singh is pursuing her M. A. in Buddhist studies. She has completed her B. A. from Aurobindo college in English Honors and was secretary of student’s union 2010 there.

Time and again she has raised the issues related to the problems of girl students and against the cases of eve-teasing and sexual harassment in the campus.

She was very much active in ABVP’s anti-corruption agitation. She is also known for her contributory participation in Anna’s anti-corruption movement.

Vikas Choudhary : VICE-PRESIDENT (Ballot no. 1)
Vikas is a student of B. A. political science from Ramlal Anand College (morning).

He has earned the reputation of a student leader who has continuously agitated against commercialisation of education.

He is a ABVP’s Jilla Pramukh of Dwarka. Vikas is also a national hockey player.

Vikas Yadav : SECRETATY (Ballot no. 10)
Vikas Yadav is contesting for the post of Secretary. He is a student of Political Science, B. A. final year from ARSD College, South Campus.

He spear headed the massive movement in the South campus for students’ safety after the tragic Radhika Tanwar murder case. He has been also fighting for more U-special buses in South campus.

He is Vibhag Pramukh of ABVP South campus. A very bright student he is 2nd topper of Political Science, B.A. 2nd year.

He has also continuously raised his voice for the betterment of South Campus.

Deepak Bansal : JOINT SECRETARY (Ballot no. 1)
Deepak is a student of M. A. Buddhist Studies, he is a resident of East Delhi.

ABVP is demanding for East Campus since long time and Deepak is raising the issues and other concerns of students of colleges of east campus.

Deepak is Joint Vibhag Pramukh of East Delhi. He was also the cultural secretary of DUSU in the outgoing student’s union.

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